It is the end of the road... The Chincoteague Pony car is going to be laid to rest on monday for the small price of $75... Someone will come with a flat bed, roll it up onto the back and tote it away, where it will be crushed and sent to auto heaven, where it will ride the never ending autobon with the biggest and best engine and accessories forever... Of course I don't believe that... but still it's going bye bye.
I can't help it, the communist government here has an ordinace that says you can't keep disabled vehicles on your property. I've tried and tried to get this thing a good home.. but no one wants it... and they've given us a notice saying we have to get it off the property. I have until July 1st... so I'm at wits end. I don't want to crush it.. but have nothing else that I can do...
we have a law like that here to ( is working to ban these laws) all you have to do is hide it.... j/k sorry for the loss i would part it out at least to make more than $75
Well they should be banned, it's unconstitutional. No one has the right to tell a man what he can have on his property. You own it, you should be able to do what you please with it. I don't care if some yuppy thinks it's an eye soar.
That just sucks. I'd strip as many parts off the car and sell them for whatever you can get for them.
I have got that notice before, too. I put insurance on the car and got it registered. No more notice.
It has more to do with local ordinances and less to do with the state. I'd bet most of you have the same restrictions but you just don't know it. It just depends on where you live, and how much your neighbors complain whether or not they are enforced.
Yep, most non-moving-vehicle laws are county laws or city laws. Ran into the same thing up in IL. We got away with just putting it under a car cover, but I know some places won't let that fly. Here in Indy, the town of speedway says your RV or boat can't stick out past the front of your house. There are numerous other BS rules that I have to put up with regarding our HOA. I signed the paper, so I can't bitch too much. Knew it all going in. Those laws are probably unconstitutional, but I don't think anyone has the cash to have their case heard in front of the supreme court.