was changing out water pump and everything was going good till i noticed when i was putting water pump back in that not all the bolts where the same size some where just a 1/4 of a inch longer. now i am stuck with my car apart and no idea where these bolts go if some one could hook me up with a water pump bolt diagram i would be much appreciated thanks Josh
i am still looking for some form of a diagram so that i can fix the mistake i made. any ideas or help would be usefull thanks all
There are only a few possible combinations and the ol' "trial and error" method works. If you put a long bolt in a short hole, it will not thread all the way up. If it's a short bolt in a long hole, the threads probably won't catch.
If you goto www.amkproducts.com, look at their PDF catalog, select pages 226-242, and about half way down there is a diagram for the bolts.