Thanks for asking. My knee does pretty well. Last time you saw me I was about 4 days after surgery. Those stairs at the hotel were brutal! I start to feel it if I make a lot of passes on a test and tune night. It doesn't hurt, it just sometimes doesn't push the pedal all the way to the floor since it was my right knee. I may try to move my seat braces up even farther to help. It helps a lot if I don't hold the car in a burnout and just dry hop. Yeah, dvm is vet, you may be the first person to guess that. I hope to meet your granddaughter some day at a meet. Encourage her, it is a great profession, I enjoy it.
That actually got started by grbmaverickmo at the Roundup last year. Maverick diva has a nice ring to it too!
Congratulations all round! (I recognized the dvm as well, it's what my 15 y.o. dau. thinks she wants to do and goodness knows I visit mine often enough!). In the side by side photo, the 'cuda makes a maverick look HUGE! Not many American sports cars do that.
that is awesome.. congrats to you both. it is nice to have a wife with the same hobbies. you have got to be the luckiest man
Yes, I try to tell him that all of the time. Us sharing the same hobbies is probably the biggest thing that allows us to be as happy together as we are....oh, and not racing in the same class helps too!