just wanted to say hello. am new to this community. i recently got my maverick back after a so called friend who was keeping it for me sold it on ebay. am looking forward to talking to you guys about my upcoming project. thanks.
How much did it go for on e-bay? Did you have to buy it back? Thats a total bummer. Im glad that you were able to get her back. Good luck!
I didn't have to buy it back. It was sold on ebay for $455 as a parts car, no title. It is completely drivable and is running right now. I contacted the buyer and he offered to sell it back to me for what he had in it. Around $700-$800. Didn't want to pay for the same car twice. He offered to buy my title for $200. Thought about it and figured what the hell, $200 is better than nothing. But the more I thought about it I decided I wanted it back. I contacted the local sheriff and visited the purchaser with a deputy. The buyer was a body shop man and was buffing it as we pulled up. He had put 4 new wheel cylinders on it, new gas tank, new master cylinder, battery, replaced my trunk lock (cuz I had the key), and detailed it. I offered to pay him for the work he had done. Gave him a $100 deposit and got a receipt. I still owe $229 and will pay him this weekend when I pick up the car. I can't wait! Maybe I will drive it home.
Welcome to the board. That's a heck of a way to get your car back. I guess your friend is no longer on your Holiday greeting card list.
WOW!!! Glad it all worked out. A friend of mine once bought a 4wd pick up. After putting a bunch of money in it, found out the truck was stolen. Cops showed up at his door with a wrecker.
Just a quick update. Got my car back today. Took it for a wash and am putting a coat of wax on right now. Will post some pics later. Got stopped by a cop on my way home from the car wash. Didn't have plates, my passenger brake light was out, and he thought the exhaust on my 6 cyl. was too loud. But at least he let me go with a warning. Gotta love small town living.