Well guys and gals ,was down on the coast this weekend in the big city and went to a local flee market ,i got there real early while they were setting up . I had to go early cuz the races at Mission race way started at 11 am .I was on the prowl for anything Maverick and came across this toy Maverick for 1 dollar ,i scooped it up and thought i had a great collectible find . It looks like it was made in the us in the mid 1970s ,its plastic and is silver/grey in color with a red starsky and hutch strip around the car ,I has red and black interior, its a little smaller than a 1/18 th scale ,but a cool find JIMMY2GATES
Great find for a buck! Looks like it is a repaint though... Pretty good job at that too. I like finding the kid repaints from back in the day. Some are more creative than others and then there is the not so good/what was he or she thinking paint jobs. Yours looks like the kid spent some time and did a nice job... Congrats! Jay.....
wow, i could clean that up and make something really nice out of it with my modeling skillz lol. cool find.