where you think we will regret not paying as much attention to the 4 door Mavs/Comets? I know there are several people who have them but it seems like they are getting less attention so I wonder if we will ever get to a point where they will become really popular because there won't be very many that exist. I guess it would fall under a supply and demand type issue. Just curious what everyone here thinks.
I think the same thing was asked 15 to 20 years ago about 1957 Chevy's. Today....I think two door 1957 Chevy's are still way more popular than their 4-door version.
I like the 4-doors just as much myself. One big reason they get overlooked is hardly anyone resto-mods them, they keep them stock and unapealing. Check out Jason Millers 71 4-door. This car has surprised alot of people.
The four door Mavericks will always have a following due to the Tijuana Taxi and the utilitarian aspect of them. Much like station wagons, they will have limited appeal to a select group, but will never attain the status of a two door car. Just my two cents...
I have seen a few that looked really sharp along with a lot of other types of cars but I still wouldn't own one myself. I guess some of us just can't get over the "grandma/grocery getter/family sedan" image that have been bestowed upon all Mavericks for so long. I show my car a lot and no one has ever said that about it. I mostly get "Wow, I never knew a Maverick could look like that!" It's just hard to erase that image with a 4 door car.
the collectable value of 4dr cars has always been lower than the 2dr version. this doesnt really apply to mavericks, but even the wagon version of whatever model seems to be more desierable then the 4dr. and very rarly do i see a stock 4dr that looks as good as its stock 2dr brother. alot of the lowrider guys are beginning to get in on the ground floor with 4drs but thats not saying much. they weigh more so performance guys dont want them, and they dont look as good so theres no point in restoring them.
I like them. As for performance my 73 ran as good as a 2dr with the same work done to it. Theres a few picks of it at the track from last week.
4 doors have their place.Look at it this way,some youngster wants to get into a V-8 maverick but cant afford a sweet one, he could probably find a 4 door that he could afford.With a 3 on the tree to boot.Gotta start somewhere.
you beat me to it mavowar. the 4 door actually launches better than a 2 door do to the longer wheelbase. read up on the tiajuana taxi and that is why they chose a 4 door. not everyone likes the body style and never will but the prices are climbing on these forgotten ones too. frankly there are some mods done to 2 doors i personally don't care for. another benefit is i take my family with me to the shows and my daughters can bring their friends with ease. REMEMBER, TAKE A KID TO A CAR SHOW!!! they are our future. the comment about " i never knew a mav could look like that" applies to mine as well. every time i take it out i get that same comment or " i never knew they made a 4 door". granted the stock ones were so nondescript that most people never notice them but even tho mine hasn't won as many trophies as part-times yellow 2 door it gets as much attention at the shows we go to together. (especially when i fire it up) lately there have been alot of new and very nice looking 4 doors popping up. that burgundy one at the washington meet was very nice! if we continue to represent these step-children of the ford name we will bring alot of attention to a forgotten class. maybe next year the MCG and the MCCI will have an original and restomod class for 4 doors at their meets. THANKS TO ALL FOR THE KUDOS ON MY CAR. MAVERICK 73-- THANKS FOR POSTING THE PIC. IT IS GREAT TO GET THE SUPPORT. MY NEXT ONE IS GOING TO BE PURPLE AND SILVER WITH A TURBO 6 CYL. TALK ABOUT SURPRISING SOME PEOPLE!
Best looking 4dr I have ever seen was the black chopped and tubbed car we had the pic of floating around here. I'd sure like to see it again, but lost the pic. Anybody keep it?