Winter is upon us and I was thinking about what I am going to drive in the snow. We get a lot of snow in Nebraska. Does anyone still drive their Maverick during the winter months? I remember driving my Dad's 4 door through a blizzard when I was a kid. Seems if you got the right tire they go pretty good. I think I am going to try to get my hands on an old jeep wagoneer this year. Any 4wd Mavericks out there, maybe on an old Bronco chassis? Interesting thought.
Here is one, its on a Scout frame, i think thats what it said. -Todd
i likey :confused: thats a neat frankencar for sure. On the winter driving .... we really don't have them down here (winters that is) so its kinda funny hearing alot of you guys talk about putting the cars up for the winter, but my uncle lived in MI for about 6 yrs and the car he drove in the winter was a comet 4dr .... most reliable car he said he ever owned, always started and only cost $500....... that was his "winter car" ....... Robert
I have one that I drive in the winter....the one that's completely torn apart now. The road salt really ate it alive. The car handles pretty good in the snow. Much better than my other Maverick with the 302 in it. That one just spins it's wheels while the 6 cyclinder just plows right on through. Bad pun, I know. The 302 is hibernating in a garage now until springtime.
Yeah, the Mav goes great in the snow, especially if you have a manual trans and can choose your gear.
Yea I'm also driving my mav all winter and here in Washington it ain't no picnic(and I'm not talkin about the weather either it's the drivers who don't know -how- to drive in this weather) but yea I feel pretty safe in my mav in these weather conditions which is a good thing. Steve
I drove my Sprint in 20 or so winters. Most of them in the snow. I spun it out only twice and luckly, never hit anything.
My brother had a Mav and about 5 years ago, he drove through a spot where the water flooded over the road (a few inches). When he got back to speed and then needed to use his brakes, he tried them and they didn't work - they were really wet (drum as you can tell). Instantly after applying them a second time, the driver's side front brake caught and he spun a 180 across the other lane and into the ditch right next to a huge eucalyptus tree. He didn't hit anything luckily. He called home for help because it wouldn't start after that. When my dad went down there, his ignition module (1990 5.0 Stang - you guys remember the Ford ignition recall, this happened before it) went out and his car wouldn't start. So, the Mav was pulled out and started and the stang was towed to the shop. What a day! -Corbin Oh yeah, I drive my Mav in the winter.
The inline 6 cars have a definite advantage in the snow. My 72 6 banger with manual tranny was a total snow mobile. Studded snow tires you could go places a car just shouldn't go. My V-8 cars on the other hand were as bad as my Mustang GT. I cringe at the thought of driving these cars in the snow now. That salt is a real killer. If only we had time machines huh?
Winter Driving I thought about buying another Maverick for a Winter car or using one on mine, but Ohio Winters can be pretty bad which means lots of 'road salt', so I ended up putting more money in my Thunderbird to push it through one more Winter. I debated the Maverick thing, but couldn't see doing that to it.