Why? It is his car, maybe that was what he wanted. Just think Burger King, "Have it YOUR way!" Just my ! rk
I get sick of the "it's his car!" comments. In discussions like these, everyone is fully aware that it's "so-&-so's" car. That doesn't make our comments or opinions any less valid. No one ever tried to take away anyone's right to do what they "like" to their car. It looks the way it looks, regardless of whether or not the owner "likes" it. It's "DONKED", plain & simple. I am happy that this particular one does not look as bad as most DONKED cars. It doesn't sit all that high compared to most. I'm not trying to insult the owner either. He seems like a decent guy and he has a decent Maverick. He's one of Us. There's gonna be all kinds of opinions here, both in favor of and against the look of those wheels. It matters not that it's "his car" or that he "likes it". That is a given. Those wheels wouldn't be on there if he didn't like them. Personally, I do not like them...
i dont think my car is "donked" did not raise it enough for it to be "donked" if my car is considered that then a dropped car with 20s would be considered "donked" but they are not and my car still retains very close to the height it had before when i had 16s on it. and as far as opinions bad or good.....i take nothing offensively.....im definitly the kind that loves to argue, but i also love to see more negative comments that bad, just my nature.....kind of like if anybody says anything negative about me i love to hear it for a good laugh, not because it offends me. if that was the case i would have already run off at the mouth (or fingers ) to a few people on this board (names withheld) but im not that kind of personal and take nothing to offense unless its towards my family. just like my other car is a 1996 Camaro SS that I absolutly love to death and im sure theres alot of people on this board that would just turn there noses up and so "its a chebbie, its a slow POS", but the simply fact of the matter is, I DONT REALLY CARE WHAT PEOPLE THINK GOOD OR BAD I DO WHAT I WANT AND ENJOY HEARING PEOPLE OPINIONS. and always learn to things and get new ideas thanks "Ratio"? dont remember the screen name now hah
Good attitude to have. And not to worry....if the "It's his car, and he likes it" comments "don't matter"..... that means any negative opinions of your wheels/car matter even less. In the end, you took a chance on something new, stuck to it and made it work, and work well.
Remember some people just don't know how to be tactful… and it only takes one… lol! I think a better way to put this to you is this..... trends or not, there is a level that is a standard on how a car should look. (ok i know i just started a whole another debate here) Just like the way people dress or types of music. Society drives a lot of things if you like it or not. It does not mean you can’t do it…. by all means watch American Idol… some of those people really think they can sing! Will it stop them from singing NO… will they ever have a record deal.. most likely NO if they do it will be like William Hung…. just so people can make a buck off them and so the world can laugh at them. I don’t think anyone no matter what they say does not want to be laughed at. So with that in mind, “You” may like it and only a small amount will like it but they will probably like it for the wrong reason. or they will be telling you what you want to hear rather then what they really think…. I think this is Tactful put. My real opinion if you do this. 1. expect BS from a lot of people. Wear your bullet proof vest cuz you’ll be called everything from Getto to Ugly to FUGLY. don’t expect any feature in magazines on your car. cuz it won’t fit in any realm of magazines out there. if you don’t care about that then no reason to worry. not to sure if you know about rolling mass but your gonna have a hell of a time trying to stop that car with just stock brakes. you’ll see when you drive it and have to stop at the last min. to do 20’s right… in the relm of things... you’ll have to tub that thing. And they better have some wide ass tires on it. have fun buying tires I can barely afford the 18’s! $$$$$ I’ll end with a quote from the great one hotrodbob.. lol! good luck with your project!
If opinions didn't matter, then people wouldn't ask for them, and we wouldn't be on here. Seriously. why are we here? To tell people only what they want to hear? To pat them on the back no matter what they do or don't do? That would be LAME. It doesn't mean that my opinion will change someone's mind about something. It may, or may not, but exchange of thought, and diversity of ideas is a good thing. Therefore, opinions do matter...
It's okay, you don't have to withhold names. Everyone knows that "T.L." belongs in those parentheses. I don't believe that simply sitting high is the only thing that makes a car "donked". LOTS of Mavericks sit high (too high for my taste) and have 14-inch or 15-inch wheels on them. Wheels that are too large for the wheel-well openings (basically too big for the car they are on), and with tires that have no sidewall, also make a major contribution to the "donked" look...
i wasnt meaning that opinions dont matter, i was meaning that it does not bother me or sway me one way or the next on what i want out of the car.....as such the opinion on others about the airshocks changed my mind about using them, but the opinions on larger rims did not sway me.....if someone has an opinion that i want to use towards what im doing then great, BUT if someone has a negative opinion i could care less and will not make me angry.....im not looking to ever be in a magazine i could care less about my car being publicly noticed like that.....sure ill take it to a car show once in a blue moon, but other than that im not trying to break any new ground or be unique.....just like i stated before i even put them on....before now i NEVER would have considered anything bigger than 18s, BUT like i said before i got a hell of a deal on them and if i did not like them i could easily sell them for more than i payed for them....its just like my 69 c/10 that i sold not to long ago.....i caught alot of "Crap" about putting a late model stepside short bed on it and that it would not line up right and blah blah blah, but i DID it anyways and it lined up perfect. its like the old saying "opinions are like a**holes, everybody has one and they usually stink"
"It's his car" comments are opinions.....and you're right.....no less valid,.... whether you're sick of them or not. and, you've said you don't like them.....several times, so THAT'S now a "given" too,... so, by your own standards, "matters not" just like the multiple "It's his car, and he likes it" comments. and read up on the "DONK" trend....in all cases, the suspension has been deliberately and extremely lifted. Cure didn't, or even have to lift his suspension to fit the wheels, so it's not "DONK", and that's according to the standards of those that created the trend. And, even though it's not lowered, his car is alot closer to a Foose style custom than any DONK P.O.S. (no offense to "Donkers", just my opinion, and it matters not) and from what I've seen on nearly every hot-rod show, car show, and car magazines, Foose's style IS the popular trend right now, so if we're going to compare to what's popular or not, let's compare to the trend his car falls closer too, the "drop 'em down on big wheels" trend that IS so widely popular now...I see alot more of that in his car than any DONK B.S. (again, just my opinion of DONK-ing....but that's a given, so it matters not) .
well said....and a foose "trend" is one trend i would be proud to follow.....i love his designs, he builds very beautiful and functional vehicles....would love to see him build a mav or comet
I don't think your car is even close to the "Foose Trend", you have Foose wheels, and thats it. Your car is your car, I'm sure your happy with it, so stop defending your position. Who really cares what anyone says? :deadhorse
My opinions don't stink, and as for the "other" you mentioned, that is what soap & water were invented for...