I have watched this post since the beginning waiting for pics. I didnt laugh. I think the wheels look great and even work with the color of the car. You did your own thing, that is cool in my book. Dan
Fill that space under the rockers with Corvette style sidepipes. Those wheels look great. And my flaps look good. I regret they don't have Yosemite Sam on them.
Just arch up the wheel well openings to the other body line (I'm sure some of you know what I'm talking about) and drop the car some and it will look great. I've got to give you some credit for having the guts to go with a wheel that big too.
sorry havent replied back sooner been moving into a new house all w/e.....still not finished....so i'll try to answer all the questions i can remember were posted haha.....i dont remember off the top of my head which spacers were put on, but i do have it in the car at the other house i'll post it more than likely tomorrow or the next day when we get settled in. the rims are most definitly worth more than the car, but i did not pay the full price of their worth either. i got the rims, tires, spacers and labor for $1500. which is why i went with the 20's because the TT2's i was gonna get was gonna run me around $2200 and i love saving at least a few bucks here and there. and seemed like an interesting thing to try. and the windshield wipers broke the day i bought the car. or at least the driverside did. the pin broke off on the inside so i have to get the time in the next week or so and try to get the wiper motor out, not looking forward to that. and i finally got to drive the car a little more yesterday. i never scrubbed until i hit a very hard dip in a road. which i do believe when i get the time to roll the inner fender lips will solve that problem. and im now thinking of ways to possibly lower the car a little bit without rubbing issues, i know it can be done, just gotta think of a good enough setup. and on the plus note i do plan on getting the carbon fiber grabber hood, just gotta get a few other things worked out before i do that and i have definitly been considering some side pipes ever since i bought the car. i know quite a few people on here dont like them, but i think they would look good. oh yeh and the car does not feel dodgey at all. in fact the ride and steering really does not feel to much different, of course i have yet to get it out on the interstate yet, just drove it around town once or twice so far. well think i got everything, but gotta run out to best buy and get some stuff for the house.
I don't really want to start anything but, the car is on grass. I think poeple will have a different opinion with a picture on the road.............. I would chop up the fenders and lower the car like we do here In fact I think everyone should.
Yea, I almost felt bad about it when I bought. 6 people called the seller to inquire about the car while I was test driving it. Then the seller asked if I thought the price was fair and all LOL... I couldn't get the cash out fast enough. Yes... it was my daily driver for two months until I blew the rearend out back on July 7th. That car surprised alot of people in some cars that cost WAY more then it did. A 400 horse 306 with a T5 trans is in the works for it right now, along with a narrowed Maverick 8 inch with a 3.70 gear. I am shooting for at least low 10's in the 1/4, in a car that I can still jump in and drive anywhere..