I would be curious to know as well. I have a set of 69 Montego brakes for mine. I KNOW those work. But I don't know about the 71. If the 71s work, then 70-71 Torinos will work too. Does anyone know if the 70-71 Torino spindle will swap to a first gen Mustang? If so, then they will swap to a Mav, and then by extension, the 71 Montego spindle will too. Dave
I posted the question on the Stang board. If the answer to my question is yes, then they will fit a Mav. If the answer is no, they won't fit a Mav. http://forums.stangnet.com/showthread.php?p=7025114#post7025114
Steve, aka Ultrastang, says yes. 70-71 Torino/Montego spindles fit a 70 Stang. By extention then, they will fit a Maverick. This is great news!
Is that a tow yard or junk yard that you work in? I junk yard in Reno and Carson City about once per year.
disc brakes They'll fit the ball joints but you'll have to change to the other tierod ends. Also what is the brake system you're changing from? If drum you'll also need the MC and prop valve. Brake hoses could be difficult if fittings are different. Nothing that can't be over come.
whats the diff in the ball joints? going from drum was planing on geting the pop valve pick n pull in reno (junk yard theres also a 71 torino w disk breaks in the yard 2
You have to change tie rod ends for Mav/Granada discs too depending on the year of your Mav. That is understood for any disc swap on our cars. Use the stock Mav MC if you intend to have manual discs. The prop valve is optional. Many on this site didn't swap and will tell you everythings fine. I am not saying don't get the PV, but if you can't find one, it's not a deal breaker on the discs.
rickyricer and ratio411 when you guys say replace the tie rods do u mean with montego or grnada tie rods or just put new mav ones in general?
Use the tie rod ends for the spindle application, if you're using Granada spindles, use Granada tie rods, Montego spindles, use Montego ends. As for the ball joints, look up both applications (Mav/Comet vs Montego/Torino) to see if the ball joints are interchangeable (if they use the same joints, they fit for sure) The differing point here is the size and taper of the ball joint end that fits into the spindle.
That really shouldn't be necessary. It's not model-specific. It has to do with how long the tie-rod end shaft is, and far down it is threaded. the thickness of the disc spindles is different than that of the drum spindles where the tie rod end attaches. On the older drum brake style ends, the shafts are longer, so when you install the castle nut, it may go too far past the eylets for the cotter pin. All that means is that the castle nut could potentially back off a few turns before being stopped by the cotter pin. It still couldn't come completely off, but could cause some slop there. There is no difference between Granada disc spindles and Maverick/Comet disc spindles. I didn't have to change the tie-rod ends on my '73 when I did the swap. So just look at which ones your car has when doing the swap. If the shafts are too long, get some for a later-model Maverick...
If you use the tie rod ends that fit the spindles, there will be no problem with the threaded portion that sticks up above the spindle arm. So your arguement here is pointless. I never told him to use drum brake tie rod ends on disc spindles, I clearly informed him to use the tie rods that fit the spindle. The threaded portion that fits the adjuster sleeve could possibly be longer or shorter, but that's easily remedied.
My statement is not "pointless". It is a FACT that his stock original tie-rod ends may work with the disc spindles, and that if they do not, all he has to do is get some later-model Maverick tie-rod ends at his local auto parts store. It is also a FACT that there is NO difference between Maverick/Comet disc spindles, and Granada/Monarch/Versailles spindles. So your last statement to me was "pointless"...