Well Jim Allen was supposed to pick up the 4 dr sunday, and he did. But beofre he could take it I took it on one last voyage. Pat(Chopped mav from the Gathering) & I went on the Powercruise to Somerset Ky. and met up with the Somerset gang Sat. It was alright going on the powercruise but I probably wouldn't do it again. It was a great day and I am the worst about taking pictures Smirks car was there, a pristine green comet, and I forgot to take a picture of it. I did get a couple pics of cars there. If you don't know about somernites cruise it is every 4th sat for 7 months. there were over 1750 cars there on this sat., a new record. The 4 dr did great on the trip. then on Sun about noon Jim showed up and loaded it up and drove away. I know it is going to a good home and I'll probably get to see it again. It is always hard when one leaves the stable. Here are the only other 2 Mavs I saw in the show. (is that better Frank?)
Well Ward saw your old 4 door today at an all Ford show here in St. Louis. Jim has her all buffed out and he even patched the rust in the bottom of the right rear quarter. Said he installed new brake hoses, new fuel lines and a oil sending unit. Also talked to the owner of another Maverick that I have been hearing about for a couple of years.
good for Jim....that is a real nice car he got. Needed a little here and there, but don't they all He'll have a 408 with n20 running high 9's before long
The 2 red cars were at the cruise in. You can see pics of the 4 door in the Gathering pics, it was the only 4 door there.
Hey ward check out the link, your car and the chopped mav are in the first couple of pics. Now you will have some pics to remember your last cruise in it. http://www.somernitescruise.com/arc42007.html
Issac(s), Thank you for the link, that is cool and it doesn't even begin to show the amount of cars or how spread out it is does it? If any one here has the chance you owe to yourself to hook up with the Somerset boys and make one of these cruises, it is a great time.