Is there supposed to be a hose coming out of the back of my Holly Carb to my transmission? I have a 302 V8 Jason
If you have an auto tranny, you need a vac line to your modulator. Doesn't have to come off the carb. Can be manifold vac if you like. Edit: If your car was auto trans equipped, it should have the steel line on the firewall, right behind the carb. Think it used manifold vac stock, but doesn't matter. That line then runs down the tunnel to the modulator area. That way you only have a very short run of rubber hose on each end of the steel line.
only if your modulator is screwed up....I think? Happened to me once, started running through the carb and out the exhaust.....made one heck of a smoke screen
If you have to attach the line to the carb.Attach it to a fitting at the BASE of the carb,not above the throttle blades.The modulator needs to see vacuum all the time,a "ported" vacuum source(above the throttle blades)does not supply vacuum all the time.
the vac advance line from the distributor goes in to the carb but the vac line from the trans plugs into the intake. atleast thats how its set up on a 6.
Yep... same thing happend to me when I wrecked my '74 Grabber. First time I started it up after the wreck, it ran terrible and was smoking like crazy. I thought at the time that the block was cracked from the wreck. Tuned out the engine had shifted so far to the left, and the transmission tunnel got tweaked so far out of whack, it crammed the modulator into the side of the transmission tunnel and broke it open, creating a vaccum leak and a place to suck ATF directly into the intake.
If it is a bad modulator, it will not shift very well automatically, if at all. If you can shift it manually, that is a good indicator that the modulator is shot or not hooked up to a vacuum source.
the only one i have with a 302 is the 71. it goes from the tranny to a baseplate under the carb on mine, but i always shift manually anyway.