Mostly our society has forgotten one very basic rule. Do to Others as you'd like done to you? And also Parents don't seem to want to be parents to their kids and tell them the little word NO. they'd rather be " buddies" with the kids, and avoid conflict.
i have a x-friend who used to go around to diffrent neighborhoods slashing tires. i asked him why he was doing it since he was just hitting random cars. it would have been a little more understandable if it was some one he had bad blood with. anyway he told me he did it because he likes to hear the "swoosh" sound when all the air hisses out of the tire.
I live in a covenant protected neighborhood, as are most neighborhoods around here. To be honest, I like it. It is nice to come home to a clean, well maintained, nice looking neighborhood. You know what the rules are when you move in, and you sign contracts agreeing to them. You don't like the rules, don't move here. Simple. We get letters every now and then from them about cars being on jack stands or whatever, but for the most part you don't hear from them. I go up to my grandparents house in the middle of nowhere, NC if I need to do major work on my cars.
Even the suggestion of taking S&W along with me simply for protection of private property would get me in serious trouble out here. I take a huge flashlight and a camera because the flashlight usually scares them off. The camera is obvious. The stories about what I have seen happening in the parks around actually shocked the Deputy who took the complaint. There is ONE deputy to patrol an area the size of most of the counties in Georgia. There are approximately 100,000 people living in his patrol area. Not much he can do. He told me that he makes more passes on that one 3 block long street than he does in some other entire communities. The kids living in the apartments at each end of the street are constantly getting in trouble with the law. Personally I wish so many parents were not so quick to turn over responsibility for raising their kids to the school systems. If a kid knew that actions had REAL CONSEQUENCES rather than a "stern talking to", maybe we wouldn't have these problems. "Stop! or I will say Stop again!" I caused trouble when I was a kid, but I always respected other people's property. My car is a daily driver. My Toyota truck is for work only. When I am going out to have fun, it is in the Maverick. As it should be. Thanks for the replies. I was mainly venting because I was and am ...... off about the whole situation. I am sure I will find a window somewhere. I found a NOS widow.....for $1000. Can't see that happening.
TOO bad you can't your hands on that new " flashlight" that has been devolped affectionatly called a "Barf light" it uses LED's to omit a super bright light that sends out llight in differnt wave lengths that disables a person, by making them nausious. To the point of Puking
Hey Jayman I'm in SD as well. I just moved from a HOA situation for this exact reason. I hope that you have some luck with finding the window out here. I might be able to source one out for you back home (Fresno) area. I can have one of my guys try and find one. Mavs are usually plenty out there. Just let me know what it is you need as I figure my 73'ish 2 door parts car probably wouldn't help much...would it
wow i was reading... what maverick? what maverick? my god my hood! lol! glad it wasn't that car... but then again i'm still sorry it happened period! that sucks! hope you find a window.
Exactly why I got out of the HOA Maverick Man...when I get my hood, it's the garage (finally got a garage:bananaman) or nothing! I'll sleep in it if I have too
Don't worry, it was a standard flat hood, not the carbon fiber cowl hood. I would have been forced to go medieval on someone for that!!!! I will find a window somehow.
well i got one for you i took my comet over to the shop my dad works at, to get inspections and emissions done on it. i had let a 30$ batterie charger in the back seat and some one came along and smashed out the drivers side rear window. all for a 30$ batterie charger. i was a little pissed off about that one. it was even at a ford dealership so whoever it was was taking a big chance because of cameras every were. and i personaly like my friend 357 mag for any thing that might come my way. good old utah it was so easy to get a carry permit.
sorry to hear that buddy.... man, just remember most of this stuff ain't worth going to jail over. most of it...
We had kids going through our neighborhood slashing tires too. Seemed to be limited to high school kids. Maybe a grudge thing? I don't know. Our dog Charlie likes to chew on stupid kids, so I put him on patrol for a couple of nights. All 8 of my tires still hold air.
"man, just remember most of this stuff ain't worth going to jail over." Roger that!!! That is why I patrol with a huge flashlight and a camera now. The cops want video footage before the local DA will prosecute. OK, I will try to get video footage. BTW, I got a call yesterday from the Sheriff's office about a break-in to my truck last fall. The thief lost his hat in my truck when he climbed out through the quarter window. Seems the cops did a DNA test on the hat and found that the hat's owner was on parole. The call was to find out if I knew the person and if I wanted to prosecute. No I don't and darn skippy, I do. So they arrested the perp and he admitted to robbing a lot of places but "didn't remember" my truck in particular. He is back in jail to finish his remaining sentence for drugs and theft. But, even with the hat and DNA evidence, the DA probably will not prosecute. "Someone might have framed him". Had the cops actually come out to look at the truck, there were some very clear hand and finger prints but they could not be bullied into collecting the damning evidence since "these criminals are never caught anyway". Still not worth jail but, I have very little respect for our "Legal system" since it is no longer a "Justice system".