I installed new leafspring shackle bushings last friday and now my shackles is rubbing against the chassis like it did before... I have no idea what could be causing this... any ideas would be appreciated. thanks
This is the second set of bushings for this set of springs. the first ones came with the springs and I bought these from checker because the previous set started rubbing last month after about 3 years of use.
No picture right now but just look at the passenger side leafspring shackle and the outside part of the shackle (barstock with pressed in bolts... or holes depending on which way you have them installed. Where the top of the shackle connects to the chassis is where it is rubbing... Passenger shackle, outside, top where connects to chassis by way of bushings. I'll see if I can get a picture.
Sounds like there is no shoulder on your bushings. Or else the shoulder is too small and the whole bushing is being pressed inside the spring eye. My JCW springs had a larger than stock rear eye. At the time I had polygraphite bushings and they were hard enough that it stayed in place even though it was loose. I could see how rubber would not.
May be this will clarify... Passenger side (problem side) driver side (for referance) btw the it's the outside of the passenger side of the car, chassis corner. So what do you think.
I would say you need to dump those shackles and go with a factory type of shackle. Those things will ruin your car....your springs....or both.
First of all there should be a metal tube welded inside the frame rail which sticks out about 1/4 past the frame rail on each side. Then your rubber bushings should have about a 1/4" shoulder which pushes the shackles out away from the sides of the rail, that much further. I would say you dont have the proper bushings and it looks like someone may have shaved the metal tube down till it is flush with the frame rails.