I was gonna ask what a "belly bar" and "boomerangs" and "LDO" were. *searches forum Okay I know Boomerangs now.
hmmm...I have heard it for a while and just acted like I knew what it was..."ford/edsel" sounds good enough for me I did a short search on the intarwebs and didn't find a definitive answer...
The F/E designation means Ford/Edsel just as MEL stood for Mercury/Edsel/lincoln the biggest MEL engine was the 430 V-8 used in Lincoln continnentals in the early 60's
The belly bar is a bar that bolts between the frame rails on v-8 mavericks, and LDO stands for Luxury Decor Option.
Fe That is interesting to find out the origin of the name "FE". I've known what they are, just not where the name came from. What intrigues me the most on these is how the intake goes under the valve cover. I have found 3 FEs (390s) in junkyards in the last year or so, and only one 351 Cleveland in the same amount of time. Surprising ...
I would have said, Fe stood for iron as in "iron heads" That's what I get for taking chermistry 45 years ago heheh