It's been a couple of months since I last started a thread on this board, so I just thought that I'd "surface" and let anyone who might have noticed know that I was still faithfully checking the latest Maverick news nearly daily. By way of update on my battle with the big "C", I finished a second set of chemo treatments in April, and have been feeling fit as a fiddle since then (other than needing a few more naps than I use to). These more recent treatments were with a new type of drug that targets a narrower range of cells, making it harder on the cancer, and easier on the rest of your body. I was able to work the whole 6 months I was in treatment other than for the odd day off after a treatment. Hopefully the cancer will stay in remission for at least another 3 years. In any case, I'm good till then. By the way, the "new" drug is called [SIZE=-1]Rituxan (Rituximab). As to the Mav, I haven't worked on it for a while, but I'm building a new storage space under my deck in order to free up some room in the garage. I plan to get back at the car with a vengeance as soon as I create enough space in the garage to move around it. The last things I did on it were to finish painting the underside with 2 coats of POR 15, and to assemble the Versailles diff and new 4 leaf springs so that the whole package is ready to hang under the car. That's it for now other than wanting to thank Stefan again for making this board happen for us Maverick guys. I got curious and did a little search of the archives. The oldest post by myself that I could find was dated March 8, 1999!!! Just wanted to let you know that I'm still here, but I'm mostly just watchin'. John B [/SIZE]
john, glad you are doing good as for the naps, after my retirement (1 1/2 yrs.) ago i nap often myself.. you will love that new space... keep us up on the drugs... ...frank...
happy to hear your making it ok. my mom's on chemo and radiation treatments right now so i can kind of understand what your going through, good luck
Good to see you back on the board! Glad to know that you've been doing well, and I hope that everything keeps going good for you!! Take care! Preston
John, great to see your name in the new posts list again. Also glad to hear that you're in good health as well. I'll send you a proper email soon, but for now it's great to hear from you!
John, glad to see your post also. You are thought of time to time, wondering how you are doing. Glad to hear the treatments aren't as rough on you as traditional chemo etc. Will keep you in our prayers.
Hello, John! I don't get a chance to post on the board much anymore myself, but I did want to take the time to say Hello and Godspeed to you. Great to see you posting.