You are asking why I haven't posted in several weeks. Is there any way that the powers that are in charge can tell me why this site says 'Welcome, claridger', but I cannot pull up attachments from a thread. So am I logged on or not? Have I forgotten to pay my dues?? I often wish my PC literacy was better. When I try to pull up a thread, I get sent back to the you are not logged in screen.
Am I logged in or not pg 2 Well, I can pull up pics in one forum, but not an attachment in the club news forum. Maybe there is something wrong with the Texas mini meet thread. Thanks for your HELP.
no dues here but there is a supporting membership that is completely voluntary. helps stephan defray his costs and keeps out the advertisements. i guess if you are posting you are logged in. is there a box when you first log in that says remember me in the future. if so,, click on that. good luck.
Cookies Thanks everyone for their input. Cookies. This is where the literacy part comes into play. I have gone to the display control area and have done a default selection for all cookies. I do not know of anything else to do with cookies. I just now did this and tried to pull up the mini meet flyer w/o success. I do not seem to have this problem with any other site. Is there something else that I can check. Can I block cookies from this site all by itself? If so can you tell me how to unblock it? Thanks again for any and all help. Rupert
No else seems to be having this problem, which you can see here. When you login to the forum, is the remember me checkbox checked? If not, login again and leave it checked. You also should not block cookies from this site. If that does not work, I will need to know the following: What browser are you using? Go to the tool bar ,click on Help followed by About to find out. Which Internet provider are you using? Are you using any type of Internet accelerators, cookie or ad blockers, antivirus, spyware blocker or firewall?
It'a workinh now I went in and changed the amount of space used for cookies and accepting page upgrades. Now it is working. Thanks everyone for your in put. I did log in again, but I almost always leave the remember me box checked. Thanks again Rupert
The only problems I find with cookies is not having milk that has a good date on it... Glad it works now