Coming back to racing after 4 years off was going to buy my old mustang back. But i love mavericks witch i just happen to have .it will be cleveland powered . Cant make my mind up minni tub or full back half how big a slick can you get under car with minni tubs . wanting to run 10 flat range . any drag race maverick pics on the net. Ihave looked at the gallery . thanks
Welcome! I am not a racer, but I know a little about putting Clevelands in the Maverick... So if I can help, glad to. Also, I know that the biggest obstruction to tire fitment on a stock Mav is the leaf springs. Mini tubbing will likely do nothing to adding meat under there unless the leafs are relocated or replaced with coils. Hope this helps a little. More knowledgeable folks will be along shortly.
slusher, i have a 9in wide tire on mine and that is about as wide as i can go without the leaf spring being in the way without a minitub. you might be able to get a 10 under their but it will depend on bs of the wheel and size of wheel. i would personally back half the car because im not sure i would want to go low 10s on leaf springs and then if you ever have traction problems you can adjust the suspension to fix that. Matt
Look for info on John fords car AKA pinky. It runs low 10`s on small tires. I like small tires going that fast it make driving a little more to think about. My stang runs 10 flat at 133 its fun through the top end on 9 inches of tread at 8psi in the tires
check out Erick-Mav on the board. 10's w/ a 10 inch tire, stock suspension w/ Cal Tracs. I have mini tubbed my car, notched the frame rails, and moved the leafs inboard. That will get us a 29x10.5w, with the rear very low. email me if you have any more questions...
Before I back halved my maverick,I had a 28-10.5 mt under it but had to clearance the rear sub and open the wheel opening. My car ran 11.80 with an 302 but the spring would wear out in a couple of season and the 60ft would be all over the place. My car is now four linked and I can fit a 14-33 tire. Hope this helps Matt Bong
Leaf springs, cal-tracs, qa1 shocks, stock wheel tubs, 28 x 10.5 et streets......60' in the 1.30's all day long, 6.00's in the 1/8th mile (all that was with the 347)
Thanks Chris 10's on little tires is not that hard to accomplish. Just takes some tuning. I have coil-over/ladder bar set-up on mine. But as Stephen said, it can be done with leaf springs. I also agree with me, there is nothing more impressive at the drag strip then to see a "little" tire car spanking all the "big" meat cars. It ranks way high on my cool meter.
Here is the link to the C site. There are guys running 10s with Clevelands and Mavericks definitely have a size advantage if you can get over the traction issues. I have a 12 sec C Maverick and I am building a low 10 sec one right now, but it is already tubbed for 14x32 tires so different than what you are looking at.
Oh no the big arguement about big tires vs. small tires....not this again! I'm not getting involved with it, but I can tell you from experience (cause I've had 'em both ways) that a big tire car is going to be a LOT more stable at speed, more consistent (generally) and it will give you a lot more room to grow in the future. I would not go back to running 28x9's on the stock chassis unless I was paid to....the car is a thousand times safer to drive now than it was before, ESPECIALLY on a marginal track. And for most of us who aren't fortunate enough to run on IHRA and NHRA-style tracks that get the proper prep....we know that most of these hole-in-the-wall tracks aren't exactly prepped well. Big tires and a 4 link are going to be SOOO much smoother and safer to drive at speed. Mine is on rails 99% of the time unless there is water or something on the track. Easy car to win races with....and to add to that, i've won more races with a backhalfed car than I have won before it was backhalfed....and I ran it a good 10-12 years with small tires and the last 4 years with 32x14's. Sure it's cool to see a little tire car to run 9's no doubt...but for bracket racing, over-tired and underpowered cars will turn on the win light more often than not. Just my opinions, FWIW.
Mavman is on the money regarding big tires and consistency. That's why serious bracket racers have big tires...BUT IF you can win with the small tire, then you have definitely accomplished something. That's probably why Mavman is so good, he got very good on a small tire then went to a big tire and became almost unbeatable. It just depends on what you want to do. I love trying to do good with the small tire and it is pretty cool having very stock looking car that can be a threat on race day, but if I were serious about bracket racing I would get a big tire. I'm sure eventually I'll either make my car a heads up car or a bracket car, but right now I'm having fun being in the middle. If I had a choice I'd do heads up though ($$$).