im back on the wiring and the diagram doesnt help it doesnt tell me what wiring goes to the tail lights? im trying to find out what the brown wires connect 2?
my headlights fliker ive tryd the regulator and the switch and nothing ps my taillights dont come on but my break do if the brown wire is the tail lights id like to bypass it and run it to a switch
What year and model are you working with? The brake lights run through the turn switch but the tial lights just run from the switch to the lights on the park light circuit. If the headlights flicker then check your ground. check the ground for the tail lights too. Check the bulbs, and fuse panel. Make sure you have the right switch for your year and model.
72 2 dr ive checked all the grounds and as far as i can see there fine i replaced the switch and no change when i had the switch out i could feel the wires heating up but only the brown and yellow wires id i figure the yellow 1 is power and thats why im trying to figure out the brown
The wire group 14 (a-g) is a brown 16 gauge wire that goes from the switch to the parking and tail light circuits. If your front lights are working it is not the switch but I would bet that the terminals in the switch connector are burnt. You may have to replace it to solve your problems. There is no fuse - it is handled through the circuit breakers in the switch.
i figured it out well part of it the short is the marker lights the brown is a duel connection w/ 2 wires one goes to the sport lamps wile the other goes to the side lights i cut the 2 and my lil brother told me witch light turned back on when i connected the again when i connected the sport lamps back up no flikering but then the side lights and dam there was my bad wire