Hey guys, I know this may sound crazy,but has anyone had the're factory exhaust manifolds ceramic coated? I don't want the trouble with headers but want something that looks better. Stop laughing
My dad had his stock manifolds on his 66 mustang coated with some aluminum stuff back in the 80's looked very nice too.
Not a bad idea at all.. Take a look at http://www.eastwoodco.com/ They have several kinds of 2000 degree coatings available, and one that doesnt even require removing the manifold from the car.. Much cheaper than ceramic coat.. Steve
I'm not sure of the brand spray paint, but there was a vendor at the Columbus Ford Swap meet and he said it would hold up as good or better than coated headers. I got his card at home, he was out of Pa. It had a gun metal gray color to it....he claimed it would last at least 10 years with out burning off or rusting when painted over bare metal...and it was $8 a can. Don