Well finally I had the chance to upload a couple of pictures , hopefully I will be able to keep on adding pictures of the mods/adds that I do to my Maverick as these are old pictures considering how fast I am working on the interior's restoration and these pics. don't show either the 1 coil cut of the front coil springs, nor the other interior mods (Probe seats and dome light, Hurst Indy manual shifter on an automatic tranny, lol, sound system, Mustang black knobs window cranks, new carpet, etc..) installed, please send me comments and PM's I'd love to have your feedback ! Please visit myspace at: http://www.myspace.com/lowrider_maverick77 to take a look at the pics!
I would like to see those probe seats... been looking at dropping a set in mine and losing the Honda seats
Just click on the link and then... Just click on the link and below my signature picture says Mood: whatever... then says "View my pics videos" just click on the pics. as I don't have any videos yet... but I am afraid you gotta join myspace in order to see the pics. http://www.myspace.com/lowrider_maverick77 What I can do is tomorrow I will take several pictures of the ongoing mods as well as those I have completed so far... but today had a rough day with rear breaks installation (when I got the car didn't notice there was a clamp blocking the fluid on the rear breaks line, just noticed when I went to put new (used, lol) rear tires ! and then the nightmare started as drums where EMPTY!!! I had to buy pads, spring kit, both adjusters, both cylinders the funky pins that push the cylinder rubber caps againts the pads, etc.. and I the best of all is that while taking passenger side cylinder off I managed to bust a break line so I had to by the flaring tool to fix it up and then later after nothing working found out that besides the clamp the brainless $on of a b!t@h ex-owner also installed a plug installed of leaving the rear line connected to the splitter next to the reservoir under the hood.. lol anyway I have so many GOOD stories to share about the discoveries of how mistreated and neglected my rig was (an awesome green garden rubber hose "protecting" the hand break wire going to the back, fuse panel add-ons like bunch of wires being squeezed between the fuses and the fuse panel to power up random items.. lol fiberglass every-F()ckinG-where (front fenders, doors, rear quarters) !, no rod to hold the hood open (just transplanted one from a Ford Farimont and fabricated a bracket to hold it in place while being down..etc.. Rather laugh than get pi$$ed as I wanna keep the car sort of a challenge I guess.
Somewhere in Canada I am living somewhere between Montreal and Quebec City on a city called Trois-Rivieres (pronounced Troo-ah Reevee-aire, lol ). And here are some inedit pictures of the ongoing interior mods, there are still plenty more to come ! Enjoy and feed me back, please. (I have the logo that goes on the center of the steering wheel but I haven't installed it as the steering wheel really needs a DEEP cleaning I pulled it out of a pickup truck and it's all sticky and dirty, lol) also have to pull-out the column steering shifter lever but I was hoping to find black columd pieces somewhere to swap it to black).
Neato seats. Whats up with the rear seat? Is that from a Probe too? I need to know because I HATE my rear seat.
Sorry I've been HUNTING for a V8 ! Well I'd like to start with apologies as I haven't been around lately, I appreciate all of your comments and I promise that next time I will be at the junkyard I will look at the docs on the probe I cannibalized ! As for the seats the whole set belonged to that Probe, the cup holders with the tweeters in the middle ? lol and about going to Montreal I would love to, but my ride's got a restricted license plate (70 km.hr / 30 mph maximum speed limit) which saves me some money and I will just register it with a standard plate next year , regarding the ear plugs well I always have some around but I am pretty much into the whole ear loss lifestyle, lol. Well take care guys ! and I will be posting more often with the updates !