Thats Rite,,,,,, The Fastest Maverick is here,,,, Built by My team and I,,, This 5.5 second car has arrived.. Our hard work has finally paid off, We ran this Hybrid down the course and she worked like a charm. Yes we all here are happy as a Clam. The hard work,,, dedication,, and long hours,,,, has given us the perfect car,,,, The engine worked perfect,,, This major Power plant can work miracles,, and the Mileage is gonna work out to be better then some new cars.. If any one is interested in the design specs,,, I will be happy to share them with every one,,,,, I know alot of you have worked so very hard on those beautifull cars you have,,, and making them so fast and powerfull. This is just one more great day in the Mavericks History.
That is not 0 to 60,,,, that is a 1/4 mile run,,, Nothing fishy about this,,, Will be happy to spill all,,,, soon as it apears there is a little more interest,,, I promiss it will be very informitive,,, and will put a smile on your face... Joe
come on guys don't be so leary of the fellow. Remember he is working on Repo parts for all of us and just because he posts like someone that is a proffesional internet PHISHER doesn't mean he is. Joe. LOTS of details left out of your story and things like that make people very leary of what you have to say... 5.5 seconds in what? 1/8 mile? 0-60? 100 foot times? WHAT??? What kind of engine are you speaking of. You don't have to blow your whole wad here and give out your trade secret to making your MAverick a fast care but a few more details would go a loooong way into making things sound a little more ont he up and up. I mean I could come on here and say that I have a Dune Buggy that will run 5.0 second flat and gets mileage that you would believe and not be lying one bit. It is radio controlled and will go from one end of the hall to the other in 5 seconds and runs forever on 4 "aa" batteries. Get my point?
Come on Dud, I uuuhmmm mean dude. Who in their right mind wouldn't be interested in a Maverick that runs 5.5 second 1/4 mile times? Are you nuts? I would really love to se some small piece of proof of this... You must have the all the big name drag racers scared sh*tless with a Maverick running 5.5 second quarter mile times and being willing to share your secrets with the public?
huh? I am going to hold my breath until I hear what this is about. I think all threads should wait until they are hot before unveiling what they are about.
and milage better than new cars,......uh huh. I'll just sit back and wait,.... this has to be a good one
Guys I think we may have made him mad Now we are never going to find out how to outrun those TopFuel guys in our 25 MPG DD Mavericks