I found the vin number on a sticker at the door jamb and a tag at the left corner of the windshield on the dashbord but there's suppost to be a number carved somewhere on the body right? i'm trying to get a title this car has been siting since 1980 any one knows a easy way to get a title here in mass? i don't have any info on the last owners What do i do now?? i must have this car it's beautifull <fixable>
Get one of the Alabama members to write you a bill of sale. They don't use titles there. Mass would know that and accept a bill of sale.
Thank you for the fast reply and yes it's a Canadian Made Thank you! so do i have to take the fenders out to see these numbers? and are they only eleven digits?
Pull the fenders off, it'll be in front of the shock towers, 11 digits ( year, assembly plant, model, engine, serial number (6 digits))
It's been a long day, and maybe I'm missing something here, but if you already found the VIN on the door and dash, why do you need to see the one on the fender apron?
i just wanted to know because the guy whom i bought the car from was telling me that the vin should have 17 digits but now i know that only applyes to cars built after 1981 if i'm correct and i'm really concerned about getting that title here in mass i can't wait to have it in my name
i totally understand your anticipation... i bought mine from a friend of mine who is also a car dealer and he hadnt got the title when i bought it so i didnt wanna do anything to the car until i got the title bc he said if he couldnt get it he would give me back my money plus a little for my troubles...i was SO excited about gettin the title and tearing that car apart and building it...i got my title and now im workin on the motor and a lil body work. :bananaman
i'd go to the motor vehicle department and ask them. i know here you can file for an abandoned vehicle title. i'd try to get the mv dept. blessing and do it right. hate to have it come back and bite you in the butt after you spend a wad of money on it.
Welcome to the madness ... I was hanging out at another discussion board some time ago, and there was a member there that was having a lot of trouble with a particular Mass. motor vehicle office. I believe it was in the Boston area. Seem that there are two jokers there with a Napolean complex (little men with little minds). It also did not help that the guy trying to get a replica Cobra registered was British. There were some board members there that managed to steer him to another office that was much more helpful, so if you run into problems, maybe there are better places to go. I will try to find that post string ...