Back Seat Friendly Roll Cage I'm starting to draw up a cage design for my 70 2 door. Any ideas on designing a cage and still having access to my back seat? I'm figuring on running my rear kicker bars back off the main hoop more along the roofline and then running them through the back deck or even through the steel piece under the rear window. That would also give some headroom to the back seat passengers. I'm also running a little smaller 1 1/2" tubing. My main concern is getting a rear passenger past the main hoop to begin with. Any thoughts?
I've seen pin releases incorporated into the cross bar with a hinge on the opposite side so the bar swings open when the pin is removed. You want to make sure to check regulations on the tube size to make sure it will pass track inspection. I assume that you're going to race hence the need for the cage.
This thread (found by search) has pics of mine maybe it is what you are looking for.
Your rear kickers are pretty close to what I had in mind. I would assume that with one of the front buckets tilted forward and the crossbar removed someone could get right in that back seat. My seat bars will also be shaped similar so it will be easier to get into the front seats. I do need to have the front upright bars that come off the floor and follow the "A" pillars up to a roof halo but only so I can run front hoops from them through the firewall to the front frame. I am going with new 2 x 3 front frame rails and Mustang II suspension and all of my original inner spring towers will be gone completely. Along with the frame connectors underneath, the cage system will hold the car together from the top. I have a Pro-Tool tubing bender and borrowed an 1 1/2" die. I need to get going on this as the borrowee needs the die returned from the borrower Thanks for the ideas - -I like that removable rear bar
I have a 6 point in my car, hoop over the driver and passenger seats, door bars are low profile, and hug the seat lines so I don't have to climb over anything to get in, then the rear bars hug the C pillar pretty tight, through the package tray and into the trunk. THere are two cross bars on the hoop over the driver and passenger seats, one down low just under the lip of the back seat and one that crosses at about shoulder height for the harnesses, the top one is removeable and back when I was in high school I had people back there all the time... Foam padding on the C pillar bars is well advised as I did have ne friend smack his head into it once... Edit** Mine may not be NHRA legal except for the hoop over the front seats, but it did serve to stiffen the chassis up considerably...
Damn, I was going to toss the ol' lady in the backseat and give her a fast trip down the 1320. Actually I always wanted a cage for the street but not the hassle of a strip only cage. It's main purpose will be to tie the chassis back together with the towers gone. It will only be a street cruiser and I chose only 1 1/2 inch tubing so I can hide it better along the pillars.
My rear bars are tight aginst the roof and come down through the package tray. I have the swing-out kits on the door bars.