Not really a question but more of a gripe. I really don't know what the good ole boys at Ford were thinking. I was installing my new radio and blew a fuse. How do they expect a normal sized hand to replace any fuses? That fusebox is in the worst possible spot and it's almost impossible getting a hand up in there. Are there any tricks to this or should I divorce my wife and re-marry a woman with tiny hands?
Get the woman with tiny hNDS As a mistress, then you have the best of both worlds...until they find out about each other
ya ford really f***ed that one up.. i just about snap my back trying to lay down and reach up there..
Lay the seat all the way back, take off the steering wheel, and lay on the seat with your head under the dash. Only way I can do it comfortably...
I just removed the fuses, soldered extension wires to the fuse clips and mounted a new fuse block right on the package tray. Then put some LEDs on the load side of the fuses and you can see when one is burned open.