I need advice to be able to conserve in good state my maverick that she is going to be a stopped time (2 o 3 years), and I want that mistreats less possible for when it returns to retake the project to repair it. Thanx in advace for your help.
Get all gas out of the gas tank, run the car until it stalls to get all gas out of carburetor. Some people put a squirt of oil in each spark plug hole and put the spark plug back in to keep the cylinders from getting rusty. Park the car out of the weather and out of the sun. Make sure there is no food or other items that would attract rats. That is all I can think of right now.
A couple of thoughts on the matter. http://www.wikihow.com/Store-a-Car http://searchwarp.com/swa18631.htm
Glad to see I wasn't too far off with the rodent problem. Too bad I was completely off with the fuel tank. Makes sense though. When I got mine, the top half of the tank was rusted pretty badly. It sat with a half tank for several years before I got it. Of course, the varnish, er, old stale fuel had made a mess of my entire fuel system and carb... At least put a double dose of Sta-bil in the tank if you fill it.
If a car is outdoors they say use a car cover but that can be risky I had a car cover that wasn't custom taylored you cant believe what scratches can happen from constant rubbing in the same area from wind flapping those things around regularly If I didn't have a garage now i woudl payu to store it in doors if possible
i think i would also put the car up on jackstands. take the weight off of the tires or remove them completely.