Yea the personal property tax is kind of a joke on the old vehicles in NC. It was the same way in WV too. If you have new vehicles you will pay a lot. Excluding my truck, I pay less than $35 on 4 other vehicles and 2 trailers. But hey, I don't complain because the state might figure it out and "jack" me. sshhhhh...... lets not talk about this. Cleaver
In TN,you pay tax on whatever you pay for the car whenever you first buy it,and that's it.Some counties have a wheel tax that is usually 5 bucks per wheel(they do count the spare whether you have it or not).My county does not,so tags here are $25 per year,no matter what year the vehicle.We do have a high sales tax(around 9.5%)but not all the personal property/state income tax crap to deal with.
I would get taggs in the winter when the car is on blocks with no tires or rims,,,, Tell them it Floats on air,,,Lmao