I have an automatic transmission and i was hoping to quicken up the switching of gears so it gets more of a jump and is quicker..how do i do that?
do a valve body modification or buy a shift kit (both do about the same thing). Details of how I did it are at http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=29770&highlight=homemade+shift+kit But, keep in mind that this is an old transmission and you will very likely get a 2-3 flare. I was able to get rid of most of my flare by tightening the int band.
This mod will make it shift from gear to gear more quickly. If you are asking for it to shift at a lower rpm, then you will need to swap or adjust your vacuum modulator. Just clarifying depending on what you mean by "quick shift"
Yes....you can change the gears. It requires dissasembly of the tranny. I had it done to my car at the rebuild.
That tranny had a shift kit installed in it, when I first bought the car. It still has the stock torque converter. I always shifted it manually, that way I could whine it out if I wanted to. You also still have the stock 2:79 gears in the rearend. It has been years since the trans was rebuilt. So, you might want to rebuild & install a new shift kit. When I had 3:55 gears in the rearend, I could get it to break loose in 1st & chirp the tires in second....
There is a thread in the Tech Articles forum on how to hot-rod your C4. The last posts are on how to modify the valve body to make it shift quicker and make it better for performance and to extend the life of your tranny. The mods will not make an old tranny new again but it will make it shift better if it is in decent condition now.
JEGS, Summit, etc. They aren't too expensive. Or are you trying to buy the entire carrier already equipped with 3.55?
Orielly's also i put in a Rachet shifter and that seemed to help with a quicker shift. less movement.. but you have to adjust them cables just right.
ive been following this thread since i want to get a shift kit myself but i do feel slightly intimidated since ive never really been inside an automatic trans to make any adjustments or modifications