Surprised no one commented this way,,,,You are 16 and I'm thinking still living at home. Until you are on your own,,,You gotta listen to Mom! That don't mean you can't show her pics and try to change her mind,,, none the less,,,Her say should be your decision! I was in your shoes,, always had to go with the final word from parents , even though I always paid my bills,,, kicked some tires (when I was alone) But I respected my parents decision while I was under their roof! Afterwards when I was on my own,,, I always listened to what advice they had but now, being on my own, I made the final decision! Remember,,You only have 1 Mother,, but there will be many cars! Hit some car shows,, maybe even take Mom along to strengthen your choice. Good Luck!
When my old man said "no" to car and dirt bike parts when I was 16 the "no" was that he wasn't going to shell out the money didn't mean "no" I couldn't have it. So......I prayed for snow to shovel in the winter and rain to make the grass to grow so I would have lawn customers in the summer. Payed for my own parts and my old man had no problems with saying yes. Oh yea, personally I like the MegaShifter better than the Z-gate. Cleaver