6:70 ?? Sweet !! I'm going back soon, just got the motor back in after shearing the crank key. Also found that the spacer had melted and was blocking the secondaries from opening fully. Put new seals and bearings in the blower while it was off too. Your time tells me we can do a bunch better than the previous 7:70 @90 , even with a 1:85 60 ft time. Inspiration...
dampner I went back with tha same romac, didin't want to mess with crank spacers etc to get everything lined up. Did not restrip the blower, probaly should have, but new seals and bearings. I think I'm gonna change the pully and back down a bit on the boost. Everybody is telling me 14 lbs is too high, produces like a 16.5 :1 compression ratio and on a stock roller block , its too much. Doubled keyed the crank and dampner with 2 different sized keys so even I can't get it mixed up. Runs pretty nice now and real smooth.
badassmav, i assume you mean 315-60's. that's a great 60'. what are you running. motor. rear gears, traction aids etc? i'm jealous.