31-238-3 Xtreme Energy Is the double NON-roller timing chain OK? I am assuming that they are a good source for suggesting a cam to go with my components. Just wanted to toss this out in case someone has suggestions otherwise... Brand: COMP Cams Product Line: COMP Cams Xtreme Energy Cam and Lifter Kits Part Type: Camshaft and Lifter Kits Cam Style: Hydraulic flat tappet Basic Operating RPM Range: 1,300-5,600 Intake Duration at 050 inch Lift: 218 Exhaust Duration at 050 inch Lift: 224 Duration at 050 inch Lift: 218 int./224 exh. Advertised Intake Duration: 262 Advertised Exhaust Duration: 270 Advertised Duration: 262 int./270 exh. Intake Valve Lift with Factory Rocker Arm Ratio: 0.493 in. Exhaust Valve Lift with Factory Rocker Arm Ratio: 0.500 in. Valve Lift with Factory Rocker Arm Ratio: 0.493 int./0.500 exh. lift Lobe Separation (degrees): 110 Intake Valve Lash: 0.000 in. Exhaust Valve Lash: 0.000 in. Grind Number: FS XE262H-10 Computer Controlled Compatible: No Lifters Included: Yes Lifter Style: Hydraulic flat tappet Valve Springs Included: Yes Outside Diameter of Outer Spring (in): 1.437 in. Retainers Included: Yes Locks Included: Yes Valve Stem Seals Included: Yes Timing Chain and Gears Included: Yes Timing Chain Style: Double non-roller Assembly Lubricant Included: Yes Pushrods Included: No Rocker Arms Included: No Gaskets Included: No Quantity: Sold as a kit. FS XE262H-10 CAM & KIT
If it is, do you like it? With my 1.7 roller rockers, that will put me at .524/.531 lift. That should max out the flow of my heads, if it doesn't actually restrict flow a little at that high a lift.
That looks like a nice cam.A bit more duration then you had should be a good performer and sound better.The longer duration is where that BUMPITY,BUMPITY,BUMPITY sound comes from.
I have allmost same but cranecam. duration@.050 218/224 lift with factory rocker arm ratio 0.490 int/0.504 exh I like it, loopi when engine cold. Wakes up@ 3000 rpm.
So, the lope goes away when the engine warms up? My old cam loped all the time under 1000 rpm, especially at 450-650 rpms. I loved to idle it down to 550 and drive around town. In gear it would drop to 450 and when I stopped at red lights, the car would lurch against the brakes with each rpm and would rock side to side. I have this entire town thinking I have a MONSTER under my hood. Only me and all you guys know it is only a 250HP beast....
You know,,,, just sorta hit me,, That low idling 450 rpm may have been some of the "delayed" lifter problem. Oil pressure is down, not much "splashing" on cam. Just a thought, I know you don't get the cold weather (thick oil) as we get up here. With all the testing an tuning you do (which is great and I enjoy reading) you get a fair amount of idling. I've always kept higher idles, I do enjoy the loping of a engine also. Thoughts??? or am I just trying to get my post counts up?
Nice "RV" style cam. Ought to go well with your 8 to 1 comp ratio. Don't expect a lumpy sound though, it'll be just a bit more lope than a stock cam, if at all. Cold you'll hear some lope, once it warms up, it'll smooth out some.
So, you think the low oil pressure with my 600-650 rpm idle might have led to my lifter failure? I had really good oil flow over the rocker arms even when idling low like that. Let me know, if it leads to failed lifter/cam, I will bump up the idle from now on. I only dropped the idle to 450 a couple of times, maybe for a total of 6 hours over the past 4 years.
Not alot, just when I am showing off. Usually, I drop it for a while and let "the audience" listen to it and see the BEAST rock on the motor mounts, sometimes a drive or two around town, but usually I am idling around 650-700. Putting it at 600-650 at idle in gear. Oil pressure is pretty low though, hovering around or just below 10 psi. Runs about 10psi per 1000rpm the rest of the time (40-50 psi at cruising speed).
10 psi isn't good at anytime. Sure ain't good as far as splash lube for the cam & lifters. 10 psi at the gauge port, means even less at the main & rod journals, the splash off the crank is what oils the cam lobes, that and what bleeds around the lifters in the bores.
So, any suggestions? I am running the stock oil pump. I see lots of oil at the rockers at idle, even a low idle (in fact I have about half a gallon on the garage floor right now after checking the valves with the covers off). I have no problem swapping out the oil pump if there is possibly an issue with it. Easier than swapping cam(s)... Not sure if this means anything, but when I got the car, I dropped the oil pan and found all the valve seals. I cleaned everything out as good as I could, and had the stock heads rebuilt, but did not swap the oil pump. Maybe the oil pump has some obstructions from old seal chunks?
If it was me,,, Gonna do a complete rebuild. Oil pressure was marginal, that lifter metal went somewhere. Just go through the engine, through clean, all bearing clearances checked, with new cam bearings. Roller cam, only way to go. stick with the pistons unless you want to up compression. Doesn't have to be a big bucker, but I would go through it all,,,,, or just put new lifter in an run er till she pukes!