I am sure the front and rear valances will go over very well. I would be intrested in at least 3 sets (depending on cost). Thank you for what you are trying to do for our community.
I agree on the valances plus I think they will be easy to customize. As for the bumpers, I think they will be great to. Dave, you gotta remember, they are going to be chrome plated so the appearance should be as good or better than factory. It's not like they are that much protection anyway so I think the composite will do great.
I'm in on the boomerangs and front hood molding. I've got my valances hammered out in to pretty nice shape now, but I might have to hang the metal ones on the "spare parts wall" if you go through with it. Metton would be good material for these. Cleaver
Well that could be a good thing,,, a little damage wont result in hammering out the vallances any longer,,, I know what a payne in the Butt it can be trying to fix the Darn things twice a year for silly little dings and dents,, Joe
Did you ever in conversation say: Oh I ran into so and so today,,? well same thing,,, but its proveable,,,,, Joe
I have one of those,,, Is why I like that line,,it sets the ladies at ease after wrecking hubbies car,, We just do custom cars now,, not walk ins,,, any longer,, Just take the order collect the cash,,,call when its done,,, Joe
I'm curious about this material. If it's got such great properties to it, what about doing fenders with it?
We are looking into that,,, It will prob be around March or April if we make a prototype fender,, then I would like Craig and a few others in the Comunity too see it and let me know what they think on strength and fit and also prep for painting,,, If all gives the go,,, it will become reality along with Doors and Deck lids and maybe some hoods Just stock hoods,,, The Grabber hood is being made in Carbon Fiber ,,and It is very high quality so no need for us to Go there,, I plan on using that Carbon fiber grabber hood on 2 of my cars,, along with the quarter extentions and trunk spoiler,, Joe