Got the block home, asked if i could tear it down before paying for it, he said sure. First head off all looks good. Looks like the miss was from wiring it up for the wrong firing order. One cylinder on this side has never seen fire. Good crosshatching, everything is wet with oil, heads look new, think I will pay the $200 tomorrow and keep the block.
That could be a bad thing. It is possible that raw fuel washed down the cylinder wall and prevented the rings on that piston from seating. A leak down test would not be a bad idea just to be sure that everything is sealed up on that hole.
Thanks for the suggestion...very welcomed. I need to hear this kind of stuff... How do I do a leakdown test? I will have the pan off tomorrow. I got the other head off and all of them were firing. One cylinder has some surface rust at the top. The engine had laid on that side and I am guessing that when they pulled off the intake, that valve was open and let water/antifreeze get in there. This has all happened in the past 2 weeks since the engine was pulled. I poured oil into all the cylinders and turned it over by hand, and everything moves smoothly. I didn't do it too much, just enough to feel if there was any grinding or binding.
The head can go back on really easy like... Ed, I ate a cam lobe and put half a lifter through my oiling system. Ate up my cam bearings, and most likely my main bearings.
I might convert this one to roller...It has the mounting points, but does not have the spider thingy in it. Still trying to figure out what I can afford to do right now. Not sure on year model yet, but maybe 88? Rolandag will come over tomorrow and help me figure out a couple things on it before I start assembling it. First I got to get it out of the back of my truck...
You can usually find the spider, dog bones and roller lifters used on ebay pretty cheap. Think I paid around $50 for everything when I did mine.
Scott. See PMs. I didn't see this before I answered your PMs. I'm not convinced you can't get a better deal than this for less from the website I mention. Your Pal and Mine, Rick
I know the owner of this motor, and he let me take it home and disassemble it with the option to bring it all back in the morning if I wasn't 100% on it. I wanted to see into the cylinders, be sure it turned by hand, etc. The more I get into it, the better it looks. It is BRAND NEW, literally has just a couple hours on it before the guy gave up on it. Yes, it is a reman, but I should be able to get it to work for me. Also, sell off the heads, maybe oilpan, etc. and make some of my money back. This is an entire engine minus the throttle body and distributor, and timing chain.
If you want to go roller, I have everything you need. Cheap. I have a spare HO roller, B303 roller, and the lifters and hardware.