Hi guys, I'm new to these forums, and a proud new owner of a 69.5 Maverick. I've read the post on removing the dash pad, and successfully got it off,(GREAT POST!!!) but now I'm having trouble getting the actual dash itself off the car for painting. Any advise please?!?!?
there are several small screws, hex head, under the windshield rubber seal. Best thing to do is remove the windshield and the seal, I have gotten them out in the junk yard before but I had to cut the rubber seal. and that was so the car would stay sealed from the weather. Robert
wow ok big project then, do you know if the window seals are available at AutoParts stores, or do we have to special order them?
...there is a lot more than the ...screws urder the seal...to removing the whole dash. i removed one in the junkyard and did a bunch of stuff to get it out that i knew i wasn't putting back... ......
Hello and welcome to the forums. Like has been said above, this is a fairly involved project. It is almost impossible to remove the dash without first removing the windshield. Beyond that, what exactly are you having trouble with? Let us know what's giving you trouble and we will be glad to help.
Thanks guys, yeah there's no A/C (makes everything so much easier! lol) I just bought the car off a guy who had it sitting on his ranch not running for 2 yrs. got her running....decent enough. Little 200 with a worn out carb and make-shift throttle cable. The windshield is cracked really bad, so I guess pulling the dash can waituntil I get a new windshield ready to go.
Not to sound like a smart aXX, but if you have the rest of the interior out of the car, just paint it where it is. I did a complete color change on my car, interior and all. Left the dash in. Unless you need it out for other reasons, don't bother.