My engine is running a bit rough, and I don't know why. I've tested all the spark plugs to see if they would work by unplugging all the wires from the distributor except for cylinder 1, then I would crank the engine until it fires that one. Then I continue down the line, noting which one wasn't working. So then I found one that wouldn't be firing, I would clean it, then place it back in. I would then crank it, it would fire. Hmmmmm okay so it should run fine then. After hooking everything back up, it would still run rough. I checked the one I cleaned by using that same method and it would fire. It would be another one that wasn't working. I've done this 3 times already with the same results. I have know clue what's going on here. Is there something wrong with my distibutor or carb??????
sounds like it wouldnt hurt to replace a few things cap, rotar, plugs, wires... then again a vaccume leak could cause rough idle too also i bet the engine in your car is a 250 CI, not a 250 cc
Replace (never clean) your plugs. Replace them with plugs for a 1969 200cu" six. They run just enough hotter that they won't foul out. My wifes car had the same problem and it was gone after I changed to the hotter plugs. I had to gap them at .032" to get them to run the best. - yours may be different but you will want to run the gap narrow to keep the required voltage down. New wires are a good investment as long as you get the "magnetically suppressed" real wire wires. Replacing cap and rotor is a good idea too. If you have a points style distributor then you should replace points and condenser. All the above is called an "electrical tune up" and should be done at least once every two years or 20000 miles.
I agree with the guys above, if your plugs are so bad off that they won't even fire anymore, it sounds like a full tune up is LONG over due.
lol, yeah it is, I fixed it, thnx:Handshake. I'm gonna get a new cap, some new points, new fule filter, and some spark plugs and wires. I'll go from there and post if I still have the same problems. Yeah it has been sitting since 2000 so I guess the electrical system could have a chance to go out. I'm also gonna have my mechanic rebuild the stock carb that is in the trunk and then I'll swap them out (I like originality.) The previous owner apparently replaced it with a newer model maverick carb.
After replacing the wires, plugs, cap, and rotor. It's still running the same. Like it's not firing on one cylinder. I'm going to get that carb rebuilt and hopefully that'll solve the problem.
For a hundred bucks you should consider going to the Webber/Holley 2bbl. I'm sure someone here can point you to that thread. I just did it and cant beleive how much better, smoother and more efficient it runs.
First off,are you still running it on 7year old gas????If so,dont.Dump the old stuff and replace it with fresh gas(and a new gas filter)Also,its possible you have a bad/bent/stuck valve or rounded off cam lobe,or bent push rod.(dont panic)It sounds like you have a vacuun leak or a bad pcv valve.Start chasing vacuum hoses and replace any that are brittle/hard or broken.It dont take much to make an I-6 hiccup.You should also set the ignition timing if you havent or at least check it.Usually carb problems can be traced back to ignition or vacuum problems.The carb isnt necessarily at fault.(dont rule it out)just cover all the cheap bases before you go dumping $$$ into the carb.I cant tell you how many cars I purchased cheaply becuase someone rebuilt the carb and the car still didnt run or run right and I would check basics(usually timing/ignition) and have the thing running in under an hour.Good luck,hope this helps you out.
the PVC it right ontop of the valve cover with a black hose comming off of it ive got the H/W 5200 on my straight 6 too. it really is great. i posted an article in the tech section about it
If you can´t det your hands on a new PCV valve right away, just take it out while the car is running and put your finger on the end of it and feel for suction, even better is if you take it out (and of the hose) and shake it just to hear if something is moving freely, if it is that´s a good thing, if not toss it... Of course it´s always better to change all these little components, I´m just talking from my point of view and situation, since I need to order it from the USA..... The swede with the flu!!!
How do you get your engine to look so nice, mine is all rusted up, even afraid to loosen some bolts (I have broken and cracked so many alredy), sorry if I got of topic!!!