Guys let's help Stefan & help Stefan help a good cause for Christmas. He is donating $10.00 to the Salvation Army for Christmas for everyone who buys a Supporting Membership. I think this is a great thing & it needs our support. If you already have one you can re-up for another year. Here is the link.
come on guys I just checked current users 39 members and 7 supporting members :16suspect We can do better than that and its for two good causes Salvation army and this great place thanks Stefan and good job I have learned my $20 worth.
Id re-up but Im flat broke at the moment. I already have donated some things to Salvation army (food and things at work) Being as Im only one working in a family of 4 (soon to be 5) I dont have much to spare. Glad to see Stefan is helping out tho!
I just signed on for a year. You guys supply more info than any Haines manuel and more entertainment than HBO. $20 is a bargain and half goes to the Sal Army. TY Stefan
i just subscribed, and we have friends who are employed by the salvation army. you guys do great things here. besides 20 clams aint nothin to pay to have people put up with me hahaha
IN!! Stefan. Alot of my coworkers live on Montreal, they commute to Massena and back every day. None are car people that i know of. What side of Montreal are you on?
Thanks for the support. Im north of Montreal in the city of Laval. Do you know how long the commute is?