Not really. Right now we are collecting various part for the restoration. I think maybe my father will start the restoration this automn depending on Joe's part That is a lot of snow!! At least we have a shelter for it last week we had like 12+ inch during a snowstorm and yesterday we had a lot of about global warming!!! All right....look like you all got the answer right, so here is the pic of the Maverick!! The Stallion is actually under all that snow! My father built a shelter for it and had to remove all that snow twice so i wont collapse!!
Hmm... I need to build something like that for my car, so I can take the windows out without worrying about rain getting in it and rusting my floors.
Its a kit that you have to build yourself. Actually, the kit is only the black plastic thing that hold all the wood together. My father will try to find the company that made it so i could post it here if anybody else want to build it!
i wish we could get a little snow like that out here.. then i could go up north to my g/f's brother;s house.. he has 2 snowmobiles, both have been clocked at 100mph... and there is a big lake that freezes up there that they ride them on... that would be a blast.
its not bad unless you have ice a couple inches thick underneath of the snow. if you just have snow its fine. we probably got 2 inches of ice and then 6-8 inches of snow on top of it and we can't even plow the driveway and we have chains on the tractor tires.
I moved from north western Maine to Arkansas to get away from that. And for the most part I did. We get just enought ice and sbnow here to remind me to stay here.
I actually miss the days when we would get a decent snowfall around here instead of the sleet, rain and ice we have been getting for the past few years. The Sunday before Christmas it rained so much that it melted the icepack away. As the local weatherman said, instead of a white Christmas, we had a dirt brown Christmas. The truth is that in this area of the country, a snowy winter serves an important purpose. Without a decent snowpack, we could very well face something in the springtime you folks in the southern states have had to deal with: drought. It seems like every time we've had a winter with little snow, it's been followed by a bone dry spring. That's not something the farmers look forward to. Then again, it's still early. January and February tend to be the months when we get hit with blizzards. Still, a foot of snow is better than three or four inches of ice.
just an update from the south. today its 78 degrees and sunny. we are still showing and playing with our cars. hahahaha. i grew up in indiana so that pic does bring back memories. good luck.