I want to remove the rear seat bottom in my 1972 so I can trim the capret and have it fit nicely. So the rear seat is definitely going back in. How do I remove the rear seat bottom so I dont damage it and can re-install it? Do I have to remove the rear seat back too?
All you do is pop the seat frame off the front clips, kinda spring loaded. Push the seat back as hard and quick as you can, and lift a bit. It should pop out of place. You cant remove the back without removing the bottom portion first anyways. Dan
Dan's advice is 100% correct. The only thing I'll add is a little trick I use that makes it easier - I plant my foot on the floor against the front seat track and use my knee to push the rear bottom cushion back while lifting up. Do this on each side and it'll come out. Once you see how it's attached you'll understand why this works.
Poor Frank - but the sad news doesn't belong in this thread. Moderator: Please move this thread to the Adult Forum. ( ffr )
Yes.....I think.....I mean I KNOW Frank is correct. (My mouth now burns) You have to push DOWN and BACK at the same time to get it off the clips....then lift UP. Also...you can remove the back first before you remove the bottom. Just push down on the bottom of the seat to gain access to the two bolts that hold the back on. Take out the bolts and the rear part will lift right out. Sometimes.....it is easier to get the bottom out if you remove the BACK first.