I am the one who had these jackets made...I no longer have any, but I would consider having more made if enough people were interested. As I recall, the minimum order is 20 jackets...
I reread my own post...minimum order is 24. I would consider placing an order if I could get at least 18 or 20 of them presold though. As I recall there were quite a few different colors available, but the logo had to be the same on all the jackets. I'll try and see if I can get ahold of my contact and see what's what....
Hi guys. I found the old pictures I had from the original auction. At that time I only had navy blue and black jackets made. There were quite a few other colors available though. It is gonna be a day or two before I can get the info on costs, colors, etc for another run of these, but here are the pics in the meantime:
I'm impressed with how many people are actually interested. I guess this is as good a place as any to see how close we can get to 20 jackets to place an order....I'll do my best to get the info about the jackets as fast as I can. I'd do it right now, but my email correspondence from 2004 is on a computer hard drive that I can't get to until at least later this evening...DOH! My best guess about cost based on the last batch is that they will probably cost between $45 and $60 per jacket depending on size (before shipping). This is just a guess....I don't know if the same jackets are still available, if the company I dealt with is still in business, etc. Hopefully I'll know soon though.