I am off to order a set of 6901's for my car. What kind of precautions do i need to take or tricks do need to know, the get the old exhaust manifolds off without breaking a stud or bolt?
Shoot them down with penetrating oil NOW and give them some time to soak in. There was a couple of bolts on mine that did not come all the way out before they hit the shock towers, and you may need to take the engine off the mounts and lift it a bit to clear those. Other than that, they were pretty straightforward. Get some decent header bolts for the new headers. They will need to be pretty small diameter heads to clear the tubes. I use some from AutoZone that have a small 3/8" or 7/16" hex head and a allen hole in the tip. They have a small built on washer.
Bob, Scooper gives you good advice. The only thing I'll add is that if you have a few that are really stubborn, you can try heating them with a torch if you have one, or you can also use a small MAPP torch available from your local hardware store or Home Depot. make sure to get the yellow MAPP gas as it is hotter than propane. Heat the stud to cherry red and let it cool a bit and it should come out.
I guess I've just been lucky but I've parted out many Mustangs and Mavericks. I have never broken a bolt off yet. My only advise would be to use a good 6 point wrench or socket to make sure you don't round off the bolt head in case it does happen to be stubborn. Spraying them certainly isn't going to hurt either so ya might as well.
You must mean these Item Part No. Price Spectre / 1" Header Bolt Set With E-Z Allen Tool 46723 $9.99
Yep, them's them. But notice that they are in a set for 6cyl cars (only 12 bolts)...so you have to buy 2 sets. Which is good so you have a few left over in case you lose or strip one later on.
Regular bolts won't fit. The bolt edges will hit your header tubes. Beside, the regular bolts are much longer than you will need for headers. The header flange is only 3/8" thick, and the old manifold was much thicker, needing longer bolts. These are only an inch or so long, or 1-1/4" if you bought the longer ones. They have a smaller head so they will spin in the holes without hitting the header tubes. I have some extra ones if you want me to mail them to you. I could easily spare 4 of them...I keep almost one full extra set in my tool box just in case one works it's way out or I strip one. PM me an address...
this brings up a question... how many keep almost one full extra set in their tool box just in case one works it's way out or they strip one. (1)-no vote.. ...Frank...