how involved and difficult is it to rplace a roof on the 2 door cars? a friend if offering me a 2 door but it needs the roof replaced. i also don't weld so it would have to be done by others. is this an extremely expensive build?
that only depends on what you call expensive. i weld for a living and would not want to do all that. welding not to bad its the glass removal/install and headliner that i dont like. what part is bad? the center(above the domelight) or like most cases around the front windsheild?
Replacing the top is certainly involved, but not impossible. If I were doing it I'd take it apart at the factory seams (It's welded and leaded together halfway down the sail panels) and it would be helpful to have the donor car there to remove the new panel the same way. Since you don't weld, the hard part is finding someone to help you with the job. Most body shops nowadays don't want to work on old cars/restorations anymore. If you can find a knowledgable friend that is willing to help, that would be your best bet. For whatever it's worth, I have a usable top panel that I'll donate with the only problem being that it's here in Jersey.
the friend already has a donor top that goes with the car. just need someone who can weld. pulling everything apart isn't to hard. i have done that many times. i just haven't tackled a project like this. the price makes it very tempting. i am not sure what is bad, i haven't seen it. he says it had a halo top and the metal under it is in very bad condition.
thanks for the offer but i think this project is to big for me to handle. looking for something else.