Hey gang, Those halogen lights should be banned. The heat is so intense, I have seen several homes lost due to their loss. If anything good can come from this there are 2 lessons for all of us here. 1. every shop should have at least a 20 A B C type extinguisher. and a water hose with a 1/4 valve by the door, and our cars should have at least a 5 abc. 2. even though they are a little more expensive, when purchasing a work light to use in and under our prized possessions give an L E D light a close look at. They burn a lot cooler and are a lot safer.
One other note. As hard as it was to pull it out of the shop, Jason did the right thing at the point he disovered the fire to pull it out and in the bigger scheme of things save his home.
For what it's worth, I use a regular clamp on work light like you can get about anywhere for 5-10 bucks, with a 60 Watt compact fluorescent bulb. It hardly gets warm and is more then bright enough. Definitely does not get warm enough to set anything on fire.
They last longer, use less electricity, and I think are more resistant to vibration. I've used them in drop lights as well.
WAY more resistant to vibration. I know it can be very easy to blow a standard bulb in a drop light, and usually happens at the absolute worst time like when you are scooted all the way up under the car and accidentally bump the light.. I've been using the same fluorescent bulb in my light for two years, countless nights out working on my car for hours at a time and it still hasn't blown..
NOW you give this advice! o well, hopefully my loss helps educate the community. Rocky throw that light out. too dangerous. i would hate for you to have to rebuild that car for a third time.
One thing they DON'T like is weld spatter! I've burnt up several of them by having them too close when I was welding. It doesn't take many hits to burn one up. Sometimes you just need a little more light! I had the same CF bulb in my drop light for years until I started doing more welding.
I am so sorry to see what happened. It was enough to make my stomach sick. I am glad that you and your daughter were safe along with your house.
Juast read this sorry late with my condolences, your car was really nice if you remmeber my co worker commented on it and she is NOT a car person, she really like it too HOpe ump back into the Maverick game soon
thanks for the advice today, gave me some major insight! i am still upset about both cars being gone. tried to pick up a magazine at BAM today and had to just walk away from the automotive section. i think a cook out/tear down would be much better than dad/daughter cry while you salvage parts day, whaddya think? you beat me in horrific pictures though, those brought tears to my eyes. i still think you are THE 4 door master, that was one bad car!!! my vote is jason with a 4 door that kicks major booty.
AHEM ask dad/fire chief fred what kind of light he pulled down on top of my car after a late night of getting the car show ready, and where the fire extinguisher is in Mable (RIP until insurance man gets done).
j miller, sorry to see what happened to your ride. I'm not on here very often, but I hate to see any old car like that go up in flames. Matter of fact, yours was one of the ones that stuck out in my mind at the mention of a 4 door Mav. Stay with the 4 door route! Lots of nice 2 doors out there, but I always love to see another 4 door done up right! Glad everyone is ok, but sorry for the loss man. Aaron