Any one know if a 1974 1bbl carburetor on a 250 6 cylinder will work on a 1975 250 6 cylinder???Thanks Arne
No, they are the same. '74 was the first year of the EGR, and they did not change the size of the intake. 200's had the smaller carb spacer.
i think the bolt pattern for the carb is the same between engines with a egr spacer and those with the normal early spacer i believe in 69 was when they changed thehead from the small intake to the larger size
I think you are right. I don't know the exact year they went to the larger intake. I only have experience with '71-'77 engines. I am running a carb off a '76 250 on my '71 200. I am using a carb spacer off a '73 250. The spacing of the studs on the carb spacers were different between 200's and 250's, but they are interchangeable. I have always heard the heads were all literally identical from '70-'77, regardless of if on 200 or 250. I also have a '76 250 with a '72 200 head on it, bolted on, runs fine.
Yes, Ford started using the same head for all 170/200/250 engines in 1970 (except for combustion chamber size). At least that what it announces in the 1970 Shop Tips new car intro. issue.