All of the Mavericks I have owned have this problem. I always carry paper towels in the trunk for when the gas runs out on the tail light panel and gravel shield. We have tried filling the tanks real slow and stopping before the tanks are completely full and we still get some gas spillover. In our town there are several stations that will pump the gas for you. That's great for me because I'm allergic to gasoline. Allergic as in I get a severe chemical burn if gas comes in contact with my skin. Even though the stations here will pump the gas for you, when it comes to our Mavericks Dale pumps the gas himself. There have been at three occassions where the attendent sticks the nozzle in the filler neck and walks away. Before the tank is even fillled the pump will shut off and the back pressure blows the nozzle out of the filler neck, spilling gas all over the back of the car. I have another reason for not allowing some else to put gas in our Mavericks. For some reason the attendents can never get the gas caps back on. How hard can that be? One guy fiddled with the cap for what seemed like 3 minutes. Before I could get out and put it on myself the guy got frustrated and forced the cap on...upside down! I thought I'd never get that cap back off.
My 1976 4-door does that. Also....if the tank is 3/4 full or more......just sitting there in the afternoon sun, gas will burble out the fill tube...even with the cap on. I haven't figured that one out yet. Sounds like a summer time project.
I figue it this way, back in the 70s, the pumps didn't run the pressure they run now, so when you go full bore, the fuel hits the back of the filler and splashes a little into the nozzel, thus kicking it off. I pump my own gas into the car cause, lets face it, if someone's gonna screw it up, might as well be me. I turn the handle up side down and keep it at the first click, take a while, but doesn't kick too soon, or spill over. They can top off the ranger though, it's a DD
My 77' used to do that too. The gas ate a pothole into the brand new macadam the town had just paved our alley with. We found out that if the charcole canisiter is stopped up or if the line coming from the tank to the cannister is blocked it can cause back pressure that forces the gas out from behind the gas cap. In my cars case, the problem was the seal behind the gas cap was worn out and cracked. When we put a new gas cap on the car, the problem stopped.
I've had this problem like everyone else. But last fall I replaced the filler tube on my '73 with a filler tube from a '77 4 door (with the unleaded hole and flap) and the problem stopped. I can now fill up the tank until the nozzle clicks.
Really? Great info Rando, I will have to keep an eye out for one of those... Filling my car is a major hassle, and I would really like to fix that little inconvenience.
gas tank vent problem I carry a couple of 2x4 blocks to park on when pumping gas in mine. If I point the nose downhill, I don't have to use the blocks......It works for me! But, I do like Gene's theory......the detergants...LMAO
Tammy's car does it , my 70 mustang does it, that is one of the reasons I put the 89 probe gas door and filler neck. Now I can put the nozzle in and use the lever holder walk around or pick my nose while it fills
I just thought of something. I had the problem with my car until I replaced the filler neck like I said above. But, I don't have a charcoal canister on it - it's been removed. I wonder if the emissions equipment sometimes aids venting problems. Some of you with the newer filler tubes that still have problems might try unhooking the vent tube under the hood and see what happens...