1) Is there a turn signal cam repair kit for the Mavericks? 2) I need to locate the flasher in the dash. I can see a blue colored cannister to the left behind the dash panel but cannot get my hand in there to remove the wires. I am not sure if this is where the flasher is located. If not, what the heck is that part/
1) no, not one that works not sure about #2, but I think it is easily accessible just behind the dash, about where your left knee is when driving. I spent several years messing with the turn signal cam. I rebuilt it several times, but the plastic cams are not mounted sturdy enough to activate and deactivate in both directions. Mine would either go into click both ways, but not come out on one side, or would not go in on one. Make sense? I found a NOS entire assembly on ebay. BUT, I bet you could use the new plastic cam, drill out the rivets on the old one and reuse the metal reinforcement plate. That is the reason the new ones don't work, where the turn signal handle mounts to the cam is too flimsy, but if you could reuse the metal backing plate, I think it would work.
There is a repair kit in most name brand stores that fits the Falcons, Comets, Mustangs, etc. I was just wondering if anyone had tried that kit to see if it would work.
If that is the HELP! kit, then you will still end up with the same issues I had. I even got a new cam from Ford dealer, and it didn't have the metal backing plate. The service manager said he used to just epoxy the new plastic cam onto the metal backing plate, but I wouldn't. I would go the extra and cut out the rivets and put it on more securely. I used the HELP! cam, one from the ford dealer, and one from AutoKrafters, and all were identical. It was purchasing the NOS assembly, including the wire, cam, contacts, etc, that finally got me working. Took about 3 years to go through all of this.
Thanks for the detailed info as it was what I needed to proceed any further with this. It is hard to conceive that with all of the Mavereicks, Comets and similar that no one has repoped this assembly. They are famous for breaking, expecially here in Phoenix where the temperature takes it toll on all plastic and rubber products.
hi all i just tried to buy the whole assembly at advance and was told it was a dealer item only. did i get the run around?