i'm thinking of building the combo that afr said they got 455hp out of a 302 using there 185 cylinder heads,650cfm speed demon,hyd.roller-282-565/574 232/240@.050-1,6rockers 112lobe and victor jr. intake.but i'm old school and would like to use a soild roller cam.if anyone know a good soild roller that i can uses-streetable- please let me know.or do you think i should use the 205 afr cylinder heads
"i'm thinking of building the combo that afr said they got 455hp out of a 302." there's your answer... ...anything else is ...your build. ...Frank...
Look at Lunati's "street" solid rollers. The lobe profiles are less agressive than a race roller so they're easier on springs and less lash means a little less noise. Comp used to have something like that too, but I'm not a fan of comp personally. I believe the one I had was a Lunati 51017, IIRC.
Also, for a 302c.i. street motor, those 205 heads might be a little too much unless you want to rev it to the moon. To get the benifit from them, I believe you would need a few more cubes, like a 331, and a slightly larger carb. Looks like the guys at AFR did their homework, so changing anything in the mix might have a snowball effect. Just my thoughts.
afr 302c.i.455hp. thanks guys for your help,so you are saiding to use the 205 heads i need to think on the lines of 331 to 347.the reason i was thinking of trying the 205 is that i have a 351w block that i have had over a year and wanted to stroke to a 393 or 408 but my money saids -no- rite now.i was thinking i could kill two birds with one stone and use them later on that engine if things got better.- i have a 14month old little girl-.but the car is already set up with a 302,iron windsor heads,soild lift cam,headers c-4 trans. 433 gears and msd box.i guess the afr setup will be my cheaps way out and with a 2 stage nos plate system i should be alright.thanks again GUYS.
here is my "unproffessional opinion". If your building (stroking) a 302....you are wasting you money on the 205's......you will not get that much gain over the 185's. The 205's are much better suited for larger displacements motors such as a stroked 351 (IMO).....then the 205's would prove worthy of the investment. BUT if you really want the 205's, I'll sell you mine and use some of that $$$ to buy me a set of 185's.
in his original post he said 185s Remember they tweak every little bit to get those numbers but may not be a street tune. If your racing only I guess that doesn't matter That;s alot to ask out of a 302. I'd go 331 or 347 just to make it easy