the day has come, the car is almost done all that is left is too wet sand and buff it out. I am lovin life here are some "work in progress" pics. (and I know how you guys love pics):bananaman
that spoiler was cracked in half and I put it back together with fiber glass. But it didn't look right, so I did some mods to it. If you want me to break it down with some pics I can, and would be more than happy to share
that color would be, electric metalic blue and I have to go out and look at the can to see who makes it HAHA. I'll get back with you on it.
So how does it look on the car and did you also do another set of quarter extensions to match? I always wanted to see what it would look like on a Mav to extend them a bit more. Love the color of the car BTW.
No, I didn't do the quarters to match, but it looks GREAT on the car. I'll grab some pics tomorrow and let you decide for yourself how it looks. As for the color thank you. My dad painted her, it was his first time ever painting a car and I think it turned out great for his first!
Your car looks great!!! nice paint job That spolier looks really coool like a shelby spoiler!! I will like to see some pictures with that spoiler on the car.