Roll cage is comming along pretty fast and it's fittting in car way better than I ever thought possible!! Look how tight it fit's up in there!!
I was wondering the same thing. With all the back bars, are you planning on running a halo bar and front bar at the dash too? You know... a full cage. Good work so far and it looks like you'll be safe. Keep the progress pics coming.
"Holy Batcage, EricMan!" Nice work. How about a lateral bar under the dash? Does it have one already and I just can't see it? Or are you going to add one later? Nice work.
Yes Tony check this out!! p.s thanks for lookin!!! You just have to put very slight bend in door bar at arm rest. Just make sure you dont cover door handle!!
Here I think you can see in this picture, look close it's up in there. He bent it to follow curve of dash where it mounts at top then welded it up there for more support since we removed alot of under dash bracing!!!
Saweeeet! Looks awesome. Is it chrome moly? I'm actually taking my car to the chassis shop this week for an 8.50 cage. Gonna get a FC cage one the car's quick enough to need it. Do you think you'll ever take it to an NMCA race?