there is a canister on the passenger side of my car at the back of the engine compartment on the firewall and i dont know what its for, it looks like threr were some hoses hooked to it. Also there is a small box next to the windshield washer fluid container it has a small red button on it, what dose it do and what is it for?
I'll be interested in this too. I was wondering the same thing regarding the canister on the passenger side. I don't know what it is, but I do know I'm going to get rid of it!
The device on the passenger side is the Carbon Cannister. Used for fuel vapors. The device by the washer bottle is the interlock override for the seat belts, it is a 74 model only thing.
it collects the gas vapors from the gas tank then allows the motor to suck them out and burn them. its a smog deivice that lowers evapertive emmisions.
Just rip it out and throw it away... ,makes a much nicer bay See what 12 beers can do to a swede... Robert.
That cannister allows the fuel vapors to be sucked in the engine and burned. When you remove it, your gas is just going to evaporate into thin air... gas ain't cheap. I didn't run one for quite a while either, but have since put it back on.