1975 maverick when im drivin down the street my car just dies. it will start right back up. then it will die a little later on. it also does it at red lights on the highway driveway and so on. any leads would be helpful. it doesnt shake or anything radio stays on just no engine. when im at red lights it cuts of so smoothly i sometimes dont even notice. thanks
well thats kinda funny my mothers 85 E150 with a 302 likes to do the same thing , I think that it could be the spark plugs because in the 4 years that she has had it thats the only thing that she hasn`t made me replace
Just my guess....... It could be fuel filter, trash in the bowl, or maybe even a vaccuum leak....... Just a guess. I'll keep thinking...............Country
If your car has a DuraSpark ignition, it is probably the ignition box. I had a '77 would do the same thing, most of the time in the middle of traffic, naturally. Good luck! Earl
sounds like a vac. leak could also be a clogged sock on the fuel sender specially if the inside of your tank is a mess.
My '79 LTD did the same thing. It was the ignition box. Sometimes a short develops in the circuitry and goes out when it heats up. After is cools slightly, the car will restart.
I too have had a couple of fords that did this, and it was the ignition box.....darned frustrating trying to figure out an intermitten problem..it always seemed like a fuel problem or a vacuum leak, till one day when it died and wouldn't restart on the way to work, a buddy reminded me about the ignition box. I replaced it and no more problem!
stalling another thing to check is the gas tank,I had an old 65' fairlane when I bought it there was so much rust in the tank that while driving the rust would plug up the suction screen in the tank. After the car would stall the suction pressure would drop and all the crap would settle off the pickup screen allowing me to restart the car. another thing to check the ignition box(brain box) while the engine is cool start the car let it idle and put a heat lamp shining on the brain box. After awhile if the box heats up and the car still runs, probably not the problem. just my $.02
check the simple stuff first, wiggle very wire you can find under the hood and see if the car dies. Next unhook the fuel line at the carb put a canister under the line (be sure to disconnect the ignition) then turn the car over and see how much fuel comes out. If this isn't the problem, it's probably electrical. It can be about anything here, ignition box, loose wire or dirty connection, I once had a unilite distributor do the same thing ended up being the $120 led module inside, had a ford truck do it also and it was a loose wire. Good luck and remember to keep it simple, there is nothing worse than doing a lot of work for a simple wire connection.
if i were you i would pray it was just the ignition box my mom has an econoline van and we thought the ignition box was bad we changed that and it helped a little but when we took it to the local ford shop and found out that the whol;e distributer needed replaced GOOD LUCK you'll need it :bananaman :bananaman :bananaman :bananaman
well the dizzy don`t cost much more than the box does it ? and for me any way it wasn`t much harder to change